Archives: Timeline Express Announcements

Post type for adding timeline express announcements to the site.

By admin

Red and Black

First prototype is ready. After stress tests we will be ready for commercial release and crown founding campaign. Stay tuned…

By admin


From the virtual to the real. We can touch what we thought and designed! what I have to say…. I…

By admin

Design is growing

OUR MUST ARE: Cool Design! FAST RELIABLE AND REALISTIC dynamics movements! FuCk…. you-know-what-19!!!!!! WE GO AHEAD!!!!

By admin

New supervisor

Hard work, for cockpit new design…. we need new supervisor. Here is! Great, we are glad to introduce to you…

By admin

Dynamics Software growing

Yes!!!!! Dynamics Software is growing. From Arduino tests we are moved to professional engines, with drivers and really fast USB…

By admin

Changing my life

Cockpit project started! Official Akr Simracing Team Association is born! What else? MAX: We have to give to our lands…